The Ache of the Waves
© Kelleen Goerlitz 2022. All Rights Reserved. Do not use without permission
“I can get lost in a wave crashing against a rock.”
That was my thought as a I lied there with the firm rock against my back - the sun on my face and a soft breeze on my skin. Every time the waves become big enough to cause a great deal of spray on the rock jutting out of the lake, an instant soft smile is brought to my face - it’s as though I’m watching the water show its personality, exemplify the life that flows through it.
It brings tears to my eyes - this moment. And I become confused as to why.
I realize it’s not because I’m getting lost in the waves; it’s because I’m finding myself again.
I’m uninterruptedly connecting the best way I know how to connect with this power that is the life around me - and therefore, the life inside of me. And in that moment my heart aches in the best ways.
It’s an ache of the kind such as when you take a deep breath after not breathing for a while or a drink of water after a long thirst.
The moment is beautiful and wholesome and the ache comes from the missing of it and the gratitude of finding it once more.
KG, written October 14, 2020