I am Present to The Shift
Often I can find myself lost to thoughts - a different experience than being lost in thought.
When lost in thought an idea is so magnetic, that my whole being is drawn to it - doting upon it, giving it everything I have.
When I am lost to thoughts the factory of my mind becomes a sweatshop pumping out as much as it can from what barely has enough left to give. Thoughts become broken and jagged while rushed along on aggravated assembly lines amid harsh alarms and harsher dialogue demanding my mind stay on track.
And when lost to thought the world outside my mind seems to retract - sounds muffled within the fog of individualism - making shadows out of all else that is found with feet on the ground and wings in the sky. Disappearing the world in the way only self-absorption can.
But then a breeze drifts through, the breath of a quieting companion - the bestower of the palpable shift.
In the shift is the reminder that more is out there than me, my mind, and my self-bondage of thought.
In the shift, the world becomes unshadowed - my self no longer concrete, distinguishable, separate.
In the shift, the thoughts release and I become lost to moments of living.
© Kelleen Goerlitz 2022. All Rights Reserved. Do not use without permission